It's mid 2020 and we were in full-blown pandemic shutdown when RK Venture and NMDOT approached me to collaborate on creative ways to keep the very important message of avoiding drinking and driving front-of-mind. We could not get a crew together to film so animation was the option. I'm no stranger to the genre and our next thoughts were, what kind of animation? What's the story?
We decided to take the opportunity for collaborative workflows to the next level and landed on the world renowned illustration team, Barcelona based, Cachete Jack. Check them out here:
I wrote a cinematic treatment describing a world waking up from quarantine and Cachete Jack illustrated it in their characteristic glorious, celebratory style.
Cachete Jack's style is vibrant and amazing and I developed the idea of transforming their 2 dimensional world into something that could occupy a 3d space so we could really dig into some fun and advanced camera work. The team at halflife* broke the illustrations into storyboards and we began rigging and bringing Cachete's amazing characters to life. I went into the Autodesk Flame suite and built a 3d world from Cachete Jack's backgrounds. Once done we were able to create 3d camera moves through the world and follow our characters on their journey of awakening.
The icing on the cake came when we discovered Belgium-based music group "Helen." They blew us away with a demo that was really just perfect and their contribution ultimately brought the world to life.